Saturday, May 24, 2008

What an amazing day!

Today - or what is now yesterday (!) included a class with Marcelo Varela y Analia Vega, a live show with dance company, NO BAILARAS called "Grotesca Pasion Transnochada" at the Teatro del Globo with original live music by Ramiro Gallo Quinteto and choreography by Silvana Grill, then off to a milonga at Confiteria Ideal for live music with Los Reyes del Tango and a performance by Stella Baez and Ernesto Balmacedo.
Wow - another action packed day.
I was so so so impressed by the fantastic music and very crisp clean dancing and smart choreography of the No Bailaras show. Alex spoke to Ramiro and got him to sign his CD and then Ramiro asked Alex to send his tango to him so he could hear it. THAT was totally exciting for Alex. I guess Ramiro is a famous violinist and well you can find clips of the show and of info on the quintet at: and the show at
I was so so impressed and what a difference from Zotto's show tango...

Analia and Marcelo did this lovely class with an emphasis on dynamics. Really lovely people and the kids loved it. They offered to come meet us at a milonga this week and hang with us - which was totally nice to offer - I know I want to make sure that happens!
There is some festival that is supposed to happen tomorrow night - and Luciana will be there and Analia and Marcelo will be performing:

Gran Milonga de Mayo - Ministerio de Cultura
Sábados, 18 a 24 hs

Avenida de Mayo, 500
Cómo llegar: Según la ubicación del evento

La Gran Vía de Mayo se suma a los festejos del 25 de Mayo con una gran milonga que se desarrollará en tres escenarios ubicados a lo largo de la Avenida, entre Tacuarí y Bolívar. Entre las presencias tangueras se destacada la de Mora Godoy, reconocida como la más importante bailarina y coreógrafa de tango del país. Pero también habrá clases de tango, espectáculos y orquestas. Y estarán presentes las milongas: La Viruta Tango, La Marshall, El Beso, El Parakultural, Práctica X, El Motivo Tango, La Baldosa, Grisel, y Porteño y Bailarín. El encuentro concluirá a la medianoche frente al Cabildo, con el cambio de Guardia del Regimiento de Patricios.

We are expecting rain - but who really knows!
I have to spend some time revising our schedule for the coming week. The group is becoming a bit adventurous and independent - some of them anyway! And I want the schedule to allow for continued flexibility.

I have a ton of pictures that I would like to add to this blog. I will try to spend some time with that /this tomorrow or later today.

We are scheduled for some wandering around in Recoleta tomorrow - again weather and desire permitting. I think some of the gang wants to return to find shoes or buy shoes they had put on "hold". And some I think want to hang out and vegg. We'll see how it unfolds. Tomorrow night we'll head a little bit out of the way to Sunderland Club for a pretty traditional milonga. I still have never been so it will be interesting to go.

It's 5am - I need zzzzz's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Daniella, this is really cool and I'm totally envious of the travel. It's exciting to see that you've really been able to pursue what you love, it definately makes life a hell of a lot more satisfying.